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yeah I'm recovering at my brother's place. thanks for posting.
I wanted to wait with publishing this project until it's further developed because the interaction is laggy when all modules are running, especially the one I put the most of the "pretty hardcore" work into.
actually, I'm still pretty disappointed (read: pissed) that my pet module didn't work out. Granted, I explained the concept behind it (as opposed to the others, but they also didn't have the need, in a way) but the fact it wasn't working properly made me missing exactly the point I like making (and Krystian too): that designers should not shy away from programming, and ought make their interaction ideas actually interactive. Which is something I often see lacking at our university.
Btw co-student Daniel Dormann did the really hardcore parts of the development. Kudos. I did learn a lot, again, which was great.
But seeing ideas of others who shied away from coding being better received is kinda like a slap in the face. You know, sort of they get away with not programming and still enjoy "their" interaction idea work out". "their" because I even ported some of their prototypes into the actual project base.
I know those guys aren't disrespectful like that, I'm just pointing out the irony.
rant over.
for today.
As for the continuation of the project, I'll definitely check with the guys, see who is in and define the next steps. I'd say performance, stability and usability before adding any new interaction sketches.
Don't feel bad that your stuff didn't work out. I would think that a lot of people understood what was going on. It's not that there was nothing happening. And you did a great job of explaining the missing bits during the presentation.
And if things work out you will have plenty of opportunities to make it work in front of an even bigger audience.
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